The Silent Ones (Of Rum and Men)

The english version

Diamo il benvenuto all’edizione inglese di Les silencieux. Du r(h)um et des hommes

Il libro di Cyril Weglarz in cui il mondo del rum viene raccontato attraverso le voci e le storie dei suoi protagonisti, magnificamente arricchito dalle foto dell’indimenticabile Fredi Marcarini.

Lo trovate qui ▶


The Silent Ones – Of rum and men is finally available in English version!

This book is an invitation to discover the men and women who, despite the worlds that set them apart, labor on a daily basis towards the same goal: the one that leads to rum, its defense and support. Through a set of thirty portraits coming from fourteen geographical areas, we offer an different history of rum, told from the perspective of its essential actors. A history that is essential, primordial, and human. 

The book is enriched with the wonderful pictures of the unforgettable Fredi Marcarini.

You can buy your copy here ▶